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When the time has come to quit your job it’s important to leave on a positive note. Employers and recruiters talk. You should always make sure you resign from a job in a professional and orderly way to avoid harming your reputation as an employee and to make the exit process as smooth as possible.

In this quick guide, we look at how to quit your job in a professional way. Read on to find out the do’s and don’ts of resigning your position now.

What to Do When Quitting Your Job

There are many considerations you should take when it’s time to move on from your current job. It’s important to work with your employer to facilitate the change and to make sure you follow the correct procedures. You will also need to respect the terms of your employment contract when you submit your notice.

To properly resign your job with a professional flourish and cause the minimum amount of disruption we recommend the following actions.

Read More: Resignation vs Quitting

Get a New Job First

It’s sensible to have a new position lined up before you leave your current job. Gaps in your resume can sometimes be a cause for suspicion for employers and it’s better to have a new role ready to go before you part company from your workplace.

To have the best chance of quickly finding your new job you should make sure to:

  • Expand and utilize your professional network
  • Check job wanted ads in your area
  • Consult recruitment agents
  • Target your resume and cover letter to available jobs

When you are searching for your next job, remember to check if there are any non-compete agreements that you are bound to in your contract. These may prevent you from joining any direct competitors of your current employer and could lead to legal ramifications if you do not comply with them.

Write a Resignation Letter

The next essential thing you’ll need to properly resign from your current job is a resignation letter. This will formally tell your employer that you’ve decided to move. This will allow your contract to be properly ended and allow the company to plan a replacement for you.

This is the first legal step of leaving your job so the letter has to look and read the part. If you’re not sure how to write a resignation letter, our step-by-step letter generator can help you out. It will professional style and structure your document and help you include the essential information to correctly quit your job.

Create Your Resignation Letter Now

Provide the Correct Notice Period

One of the most important things a resignation must do is to provide your employer with the correct notice period before you leave.

In most cases, you should give at least two weeks’ notice of your intention to terminate your employment. This is normally what is required by law to resign from a job properly. But you can also present an immediate resignation letter.

However, always check your job contract before you decide how much notice to give. You may be contractually obliged to stay for a longer period of time before you leave. If you don’t comply with the agreed duration you may need to pay compensation for the time missed.

Address the Matter with Your Manager

When you resign from a job it is necessary to have a full and frank discussion with your line manager about your departure. This will not only allow them to understand and acknowledge that you’re leaving the company, it will also let them plan for your replacement.

What Not to Do When Resigning a Job

There are many ways to succeed at quitting a job. There are also many ways to mess it up too. Let’s examine some of the ways that you shouldn’t go about leaving your current role.

Don’t Air Dirty Laundry on the Way Out

It’s sad but true to say that not everyone has a good experience of working with some employers. Even if you are leaving a role that was unsatisfactory or where you felt undervalued that is no excuse to be rude to your employers or pursue personal vendettas.

This could backfire spectacularly if word gets out about your behavior. Take the high ground and focus on preserving your reputation and moving on with your career rather than saber-rattling.

Don’t Leave Without Telling Anyone

You can’t just up and leave from a job and never come back. This will lead to you being summarily dismissed in absentia and could leave a black mark on your reputation, especially if you ever need a reference from your employer.

A voluntary resignation with the help of a letter and a frank conversation doesn’t take much. It’s much better to leave on a courteous note rather than causing disruption and confusion in your wake.

Don’t Share Secret Information

You must under no circumstances share any information that was obtained from your employer and that was protected by a Non-Disclosure Agreement. You are legally bound to keep this data private even after leaving the company in many cases. Sharing it could seriously harm your professional reputation and lead to litigation against you.

Quitting your job can be a significant step in your career. However, by following the right guidelines you’ll be able to smooth out the process, safeguard your professional reputation, and help your soon-to-be-former employer adequately react to the change. And finally, you can ask your manager for a letter of recommendation that can be very useful in your future employment.

When the time has come to quit your job it’s important to leave on a positive note. Employers and recruiters talk. You should always make sure you resign from a job in a professional and orderly way to avoid harming your reputation as an employee and to make the exit process as smooth as possible.

In this quick guide, we look at how to quit your job in a professional way. Read on to find out the do’s and don’ts of resigning your position now.

What to Do When Quitting Your Job

There are many considerations you should take when it’s time to move on from your current job. It’s important to work with your employer to facilitate the change and to make sure you follow the correct procedures. You will also need to respect the terms of your employment contract when you submit your notice.

To properly resign your job with a professional flourish and cause the minimum amount of disruption we recommend the following actions.

Read More: Resignation vs Quitting

Get a New Job First

It’s sensible to have a new position lined up before you leave your current job. Gaps in your resume can sometimes be a cause for suspicion for employers and it’s better to have a new role ready to go before you part company from your workplace.

To have the best chance of quickly finding your new job you should make sure to:

  • Expand and utilize your professional network
  • Check job wanted ads in your area
  • Consult recruitment agents
  • Target your resume and cover letter to available jobs

When you are searching for your next job, remember to check if there are any non-compete agreements that you are bound to in your contract. These may prevent you from joining any direct competitors of your current employer and could lead to legal ramifications if you do not comply with them.

Write a Resignation Letter

The next essential thing you’ll need to properly resign from your current job is a resignation letter. This will formally tell your employer that you’ve decided to move. This will allow your contract to be properly ended and allow the company to plan a replacement for you.

This is the first legal step of leaving your job so the letter has to look and read the part. If you’re not sure how to write a resignation letter, our step-by-step letter generator can help you out. It will professional style and structure your document and help you include the essential information to correctly quit your job.

Create Your Resignation Letter Now

Provide the Correct Notice Period

One of the most important things a resignation must do is to provide your employer with the correct notice period before you leave.

In most cases, you should give at least two weeks’ notice of your intention to terminate your employment. This is normally what is required by law to resign from a job properly. But you can also present an immediate resignation letter.

However, always check your job contract before you decide how much notice to give. You may be contractually obliged to stay for a longer period of time before you leave. If you don’t comply with the agreed duration you may need to pay compensation for the time missed.

Address the Matter with Your Manager

When you resign from a job it is necessary to have a full and frank discussion with your line manager about your departure. This will not only allow them to understand and acknowledge that you’re leaving the company, it will also let them plan for your replacement.

What Not to Do When Resigning a Job

There are many ways to succeed at quitting a job. There are also many ways to mess it up too. Let’s examine some of the ways that you shouldn’t go about leaving your current role.

Don’t Air Dirty Laundry on the Way Out

It’s sad but true to say that not everyone has a good experience of working with some employers. Even if you are leaving a role that was unsatisfactory or where you felt undervalued that is no excuse to be rude to your employers or pursue personal vendettas.

This could backfire spectacularly if word gets out about your behavior. Take the high ground and focus on preserving your reputation and moving on with your career rather than saber-rattling.

Don’t Leave Without Telling Anyone

You can’t just up and leave from a job and never come back. This will lead to you being summarily dismissed in absentia and could leave a black mark on your reputation, especially if you ever need a reference from your employer.

A voluntary resignation with the help of a letter and a frank conversation doesn’t take much. It’s much better to leave on a courteous note rather than causing disruption and confusion in your wake.

Don’t Share Secret Information

You must under no circumstances share any information that was obtained from your employer and that was protected by a Non-Disclosure Agreement. You are legally bound to keep this data private even after leaving the company in many cases. Sharing it could seriously harm your professional reputation and lead to litigation against you.

Quitting your job can be a significant step in your career. However, by following the right guidelines you’ll be able to smooth out the process, safeguard your professional reputation, and help your soon-to-be-former employer adequately react to the change. And finally, you can ask your manager for a letter of recommendation that can be very useful in your future employment.