Two Weeks’ Notice Template

Use our pre-prepared Two Weeks' Notice template today to inform an employer of your intention to leave the company professionally and on good terms.

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What Is a Two Weeks Notice Letter?

A Two-Week Notice Letter is a type of resignation letter that is used to tell an employer that you will leave their company within precisely 14 days.

Most companies require employees to give 2 weeks’ notice at the very least to terminate their employment contract with the business. This can be necessary to give the company time to properly organize a replacement or reorganize to cover your job.

Two Weeks Notice Letter Example

Our example template below shows the exact information needed to securely and professionally inform your current employer that you will leave the company in 2 weeks.


[Company Name and Address]

Dear [Name]

I am writing this letter to inform you that I wish to resign from my position as [Job Title] with [the Company], effective 2 weeks from today’s date of [Date].

Whilst it’s been a [pleasure/great experience/fulfilling experience] working with [the Company] I have decided to leave to [accept a job with another company/enter retirement/take a sabbatical]. Therefore, my last working day will be [Date].

Of course, I will continue to perform my duties with the same level of quality and effort until my final day with [the Company]. I would also be happy to offer my assistance in any way to make the transition easier.



[Your Name]

Reasons To Give a Two Weeks Notice Letter

If you’re quitting your job a 2-Week Notice Letter allows you to quickly and easily inform your supervisor that you are leaving, whilst giving reasons for your departure.

You might be wondering when to give a Two Weeks’ Notice Letter, and for what purposes. Generally, you can use it in the following situations:

  • You’ve found a new job
  • You’ve decided to retire
  • You wish to leave for other reasons such as travel or a sabbatical

When To Give a Two Weeks’ Notice Letter

You should give your line manager or employer a 2-Week Notice Letter at least 14 days before your final day working for the company.

This will inform them of your decision to quit and why. It will also serve as written proof that you have provided sufficient, legal notice to your employer.

In this time your employer, if they are eager to keep you, might also make you a counteroffer to get you to change your mind about leaving. Of course, whether you accept this or not is totally up to you.

How To Write a Two Weeks Notice Letter

When you write a 2 Weeks' Notice Letter you should keep the tone formal. This is, after all, a professional letter handling important business.

You should also carefully consider what to include in your 2 Weeks’ Notice Letter.

In the first paragraph of the letter, you should tell your boss that you wish to leave and give the date that will be your last day. This should be around 14 days from the date you deliver the letter.

During the following paragraphs, you should establish your reasons for leaving. You should also offer to continue to support the company for the duration of your notice period.

The letter doesn’t need to contain many more details aside from these. You can add further more specific information if you wish, although it’s often better to keep the text to the point and brief.

Two Weeks Notice Letter Sample

Before starting your own letter, you should look over a pre-prepared example to see what to include.

If you’d like to modify this template to include your own personal information, simply click below to start your own customized resignation letter. This can help save you time getting the text of your letter just right before you download and print a copy to give to your manager.

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A sample of a two weeks notice letter

FAQs About Two Weeks Notice Letters

There’s lots more to know about two weeks’ notice resignation letters before you get started. Find out more in our FAQs below.

Can an Employer Fire You for Giving Two Weeks’ Notice?

Technically, yes. An employer could potentially fire you even if you give 2 weeks’ notice.

Even with most normal employment contracts, employers may fire you up to your last day if there are suitable grounds to do so. However, most companies do not do this as standard practice.

You might be also asked to leave immediately if you hand in a resignation letter when you are an at-will employee.

However, in this instance you won’t have been fired, you would simply not be required to work through your notice period. In some cases, you could also be paid for this time.

When Should You Give Notice to an Employer?

For most jobs, you must give your employer at least 2 Weeks’ Notice before your intended last day. Be aware however that some companies require more than 14 days.

The notice period varies in some employment contracts, depending on the job position or the company policy. Therefore, it’s wise to read through your specific agreement with your company first to see what the rules are in your case.

Can You Resign Without Giving Notice?

Yes, it is possible to hand in an immediate resignation letter to an employer. This might happen if you are an at-will employee.

However, it is usually more professional to give them a Two-Week Notice Letter to allow the company time to organize your replacement.

Additionally, by not complying with the expectation of reasonable notice, you could find yourself in breach of contract and could potentially face legal action.

Why Should You Write a Two-Week Notice Letter?

Writing a 2-Week Notice Letter is important for a few reasons. First of all, it is important to inform the company ahead of time that you are leaving so they can make arrangements to replace you.

It is also considered good professional behavior to give two weeks’ notice before leaving a job. Not doing so could potentially harm your reputation amongst employers if you consistently leave companies without notice.

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A sample of a two weeks notice letter

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Preview of your Two Weeks Notice Letter



To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing this letter to serve as notice of my resignation from _________ as of _________.
I have had a fulfilling experience working at _________ but have chosen to leave to pursue another opportunity elsewhere. My last day will be _________.

I would like to take this chance to thank you and _________ for the opportunity you have given me, as well as for the support you have provided to me during my time working with you. I wish you much success in the future. In the meantime, please let me know if I can help you in any way during this transition period.



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