Free Resignation Letter Template

When the time comes to quit a job, you’ll need a Resignation Letter that quickly gets the message across. Create a professional document now with our letter maker and step-by-step guidance.

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Last Update July 15th, 2024

Also Known As

Notice of Resignation

Letter of Resignation

Employment Termination Letter

Job Resignation Notice


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What Is a Resignation Letter?

A Resignation Letter is used to formally tell a company that you are leaving your job.

It's a brief document that explains your decision to quit your job on a certain date, usually with a short reason for leaving.

Submitting your letter helps your current company manage any disruptions caused by your departure.

By giving them your departure date, they can reallocate resources and start finding your replacement with little disruption.

Resignation Letter Example

Take a look at our example to know exactly what to include in your Resignation Letter.

Use the example to turn in a well-written and professional letter to your employer:

[Your name]



[Phone number]

[Email address]

[Company Name and Address]

Dear [Name]

I am writing this letter to serve as notice of my resignation from [company name] as of [date].

I have had a fulfilling experience working at [company name] but I have chosen to leave to [reason for resignation]. My last day will be [date of final day].

I would like to take this chance to thank you and [company name] for the opportunity you have given me, as well as for the support that you have provided to me during my time working with you. I wish you both great success moving forward. In the meantime, please let me know if I can assist you in any way during this transition period.


[Your Name]

How To Write a Resignation Letter

When writing a Resignation Letter, remember to be formal. Whether you liked or disliked your job, you must stay professional.

Use the Correct Tone

It's best to write politely and formally, avoid slang, and use proper titles. Make sure your tone isn't too abrupt.

It’s also a good idea to thank your employer for any support or opportunities.

Keep Your Letter Positive

By staying polite and positive, and focusing on your reasons for leaving, you can end your relationship with the company well.

A Resignation Letter usually goes into your company file and can be important for getting a reference.

Write in Complete Sentences

When drafting your Resignation Letter, write in complete, clear sentences. You don’t need a long, detailed explanation of why you are leaving. Keep it short and simple.

Limit it to One Page

A Resignation Letter usually fits on one page. To keep it readable and neat, use a clear 10-12 point font like Times New Roman or Arial.

While your letter doesn’t need to be very long or complicated, it will need to include several key features. We’ll explore these below.

What To Include in a Resignation Letter

The most important part of a Resignation Letter is to state that you are leaving the company and when.

However, you should include some details. Resignation Letters usually cover the following topics:

  • A statement that you are resigning
  • The start date of your notice period
  • Your last day at work
  • A brief reason for leaving
  • A short thank you to your manager or company

This list is not complete, but it includes key elements most employers expect. You could also ask for a reference letter or offer to help with the transition.

8 steps to a successful resignation letter

Resignation Letter Types

There are many types of Resignation Letters you can use. The one you choose will depend on your job, the reason for leaving, and your position level.

Below are some common types of Resignation Letters, along with a brief explanation of their use and benefits.

Immediate Resignation Letter

Employers usually prefer at least two weeks' notice when you resign. Sometimes, though, unexpected situations might make you leave suddenly without notice.

In such cases, an immediate Resignation Letter can help keep a good relationship with your company after you leave. It lets you notify your employer of your immediate departure professionally.

Overall, the letter should include all the same information and details of a standard Resignation Notice alongside the reasons behind your no-notice resignation.

Two Weeks Notice Letter

A two-week notice letter is much like a regular Resignation Letter but gives only 2 weeks' notice.

A two-week notice letter is the standard choice for resigning. It's the most common notice period that companies expect from departing employees.

However, this type of letter may be impractical if your job requires a longer notice period, especially in senior management positions where more than a month's notice might be needed.

Short Resignation Letter

A short Resignation Letter, also known as a simple Resignation Letter, provides a straightforward way to announce your departure from a company or corporation.

It typically includes only the necessary information, making it quick and easy to use when you decide to leave your job.

This type of letter is great for keeping things brief. However, it might be** too simple in some situations**, such as if you've been with your company for a long time and wish to provide more detail.

Career-Specific Resignation Letters

You can also customize your Resignation Letter to suit your career, like a Teacher Resignation Letter. These templates are designed for specific situations where a tailored resignation is needed.

Career-specific Resignation Letters are ideal if your job requires a detailed approach to resigning. They can be detailed and take time to create, though.

Resignation Letter Sample

Seeing a finished Resignation Letter can be helpful before you write your own. Review our sample below to understand how a simple template should look when you submit it to your manager.

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Resignation Letter Sample

Resignation Letter FAQs

If you're unsure about how to start your Resignation Letter or have questions, don't worry.

Read our frequently asked questions below to learn how to make your document look its best.

How To Start a Resignation Letter

When starting your [Resignation Letter](/resignation-letter/#top, clearly state that you are leaving the company in the first sentence.

After stating your departure, quickly mention your last day. These are crucial details to include early in the letter.

How To End a Resignation Letter

Finish your Resignation Letter on a positive note.

The final paragraph should thank your employer for their support and offer help during the transition period.

How To Submit a Resignation Letter

You can submit a Resignation Letter in several ways, but handing it in person is a reliable method that ensures it's promptly received and acknowledged.

Alternatively, you can send Resignation Letters by email or standard mail, depending on how urgent the notice is.

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Resignation Letter Sample

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Preview of your Resignation Letter



To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing this letter to serve as notice of my resignation from _________ as of _________.
I have had a fulfilling experience working at _________ but have chosen to leave to pursue another opportunity elsewhere. My last day will be _________.

I would like to take this chance to thank you and _________ for the opportunity you have given me, as well as for the support you have provided to me during my time working with you. I wish you much success in the future. In the meantime, please let me know if I can help you in any way during this transition period.



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