Free Maryland Residential Lease Agreement Form

Create a residential lease agreement that meets all the requirements necessary in Maryland State. Start today with the help of step-by-step instructions and our contract generator. 

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What is a Maryland Standard Lease Agreement

A standard lease agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant. This is written to conform to state laws where the property is located. In Maryland these allow both parties to comply with a series of set terms for a specified number of months or years.

Rental contracts and lease agreements have a lot of similarities as they both set out payment plans and the terms of use for a house or apartment. However, the big difference is the duration that they cover. Rental agreements usually only cover short-term tenancies of a few months at a time or month-to-month contracts.

A lease agreement should contain the following details:

  • How long the tenant may legally reside in the property
  • How much rent should be paid
  • Information about the security deposits necessary
  • When rental installments are due
  • Any additional costs that must be serviced by the tenant
  • The rules regarding the proper use of the property
  • Situations that constitute lease violation eviction procedures

Types of Maryland Lease Agreements

There are many types of MD lease agreement forms that can be used to manage and legally bind many different types of rental situations. They allow landlords to rent out various types of property they might have and for tenants to find the best kind of tenancy for their needs.

The most common types of lease agreements in Maryland include:

  • Standard residential lease agreements: Under a standard lease agreement both the landlord and tenant commit to a fixed set of terms that last for a series of months or years.
  • Month-to-month rental agreements: Month-to-month lease agreements will often have similar basic terms to standard residential lease contracts. However, they differ as they can be renewed or ended on a month-by-month basis. Their terms may also be flexibly altered each month.
  • Commercial lease agreements: Commercial leases are provided by landlords of retail property to tenants that intend to use the real estate to run a business.
  • Room rental agreements: In rental properties with shared living areas a room rental agreement can be used to rent a singular bedroom.
  • Lease to Own Agreement: Lease agreements that also include the option for tenants to purchase the property they are renting.
  • Sublease Agreement: a Maryland sublease agreement allows tenants to reassign or ‘sublease’ the property to another individual. This requires the property landlord’s permission and must be specifically allowed in the original lease.

Disclosures for Maryland Lease Agreements

(MD lease agreements must contain a few disclosures and addendums when they are completed and signed. This is to properly inform the tenant of any health risks or potential issues with the property or details about how the property is managed that they must be aware of. 

These essential addendums include the following: 

  • Lead paint disclosure: If the rental unit is in a building constructed before 1978, the landlord or their agent must disclose whether lead paint can be found on the property and must provide safety information for any located on the premises (Md. Code, Environment §6–801).
  • Security deposit holding disclosure: A section must be added advising the tenant on how the security deposit will be collected and stored, as well as informing the resident of key rules that apply in Maryland regarding the deposit. A receipt must also be provided when the deposit is made (Md. Code, Real Property §3–104.1).
  • Agent/owner identification: The lease agreement must include a section or an addendum that discloses the contact information of the landlord or a chosen agent who will act on their behalf.
  • Habitation: There must be a statement in the agreement stating that the property is in a condition in which habitation is possible. The tenant’s responsibilities related to heat, gas, water, electricity, and any required repairs will also need to be listed (Md. Code, Real Property §3–104.1).

Maryland Lease Agreement Laws

Real PA Maryland lease agreement must be written and signed within the laws of Maryland state, otherwise, it will be legally contestable and can be declared invalid and block either party from recourse if a violation is committed. These will police how you start and end the contract and control what procedures you can reasonably ask a tenant to follow.

The most important laws to consider when you are renting a property in Maryland include:

  • Security deposits: Maryland landlords may charge no more than two months’ rent if the property is a non-rent control unit. This must be returned to the tenant within 45 days of vacating the property and returning the keys. Landlords must also give advance notice of any deductions(Real Property §8–203).
  • Landlord’s right to enter: Landlords can enter the rental property without permission unless it is stated differently in the lease agreement (Real Property §8–101).
  • Move-in checklist: Tenants can be provided with a rental inspection checklist when moving into the property if the tenant requests it by certified mail within 15 days of their occupancy.

Maryland Residential Lease Agreement Sample

Before beginning the process of creating a residential lease agreement in Maryland it is sensible to review an example document first. Use our MD lease agreement sample below to find out more about the structure and contents of a fully-fledged rental contract.

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Maryland Residential Lease Agreement Template

FAQs About Maryland Lease Agreement

It is important to carefully prepare a Maryland lease agreement to suit the needs of the landlord and tenant exactly. To help demystify the process a little simply review our FAQs below to learn more about the specificities of rental contracts in Maryland.

How to Get a Lease Agreement in Maryland?

It is possible to create an MD lease agreement completely online. Using our residential lease agreement maker you can tailor your document for your specific needs and take advantage of professional templates and expert tips.

Lease Agreement or Rental Agreement?

There is a key difference between a Maryland lease agreement and a Maryland rental agreement, which is the length of duration that they each cover.

Lease agreements are normally longer-term arrangements that can last several months or even years, in which their terms remain fixed. Rental agreements on the other hand are shorter-term in nature but are more flexible and may be changed on a weekly or monthly basis.

How to Write an MD Lease Termination Letter?

If either the landlord or tenant for any reason needs to terminate a Maryland lease agreement early, they must provide the correct amount of notice in a written MD lease termination letter.

To ensure you won’t have to terminate a lease due to a dispute, it’s worth reading the Handbook by the Maryland Office of the Attorney General on how to avoid landlord-tenant disputes. 

This letter needs to contain the following information:

  • The name of the landlord and the tenant
  • The date the letter has been written and signed
  • The name and address of the property in question
  • Information explaining why the tenancy needs to be terminated early
  • The reason the lease is being broken
  • The date that the resident will vacate the property
  • Acknowledgment of any penalties that will be incurred
  • Signature of the signing party
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Maryland Residential Lease Agreement Template

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Preview of your Maryland Residential Lease Agreement

Residential Lease Agreement
This Lease Agreement (hereinafter, the "Lease Agreement") is dated as of _________ (hereinafter, the "Effective Date") and is entered into by and between _________ (hereinafter, the "Landlord") and the following Tenant(s):
(hereinafter, the "Tenant(s)").

The Landlord and the Tenant(s) agree as follows:

The Landlord rents to the Tenant(s) and the Tenant(s) rents from the Landlord a certain real property and improvements described below, according to the terms and conditions described in this Lease Agreement.

A house located at _________, _________, Maryland, _________ (hereinafter, the "Property").

Unless otherwise indicated in the Lease Agreement, no other portion of the Building (hereinafter, the "Building") wherein the Property is located is included in the Lease Agreement.

The term of this Lease Agreement begins on _________ (hereinafter, the "Commencement Date") and shall terminate on _________ (hereinafter, the "Termination Date").
The Tenant(s) shall vacate the Property upon termination of the Lease Agreement, unless:

(i) The Landlord and the Tenant(s) have, in writing, extended this agreement or signed a new agreement.

(ii) The Landlord accepts Rent from the Tenant(s) (other than past due Rent), in which case a month-to-month tenancy shall be created which either party may terminate.

In this case, the Tenant(s) may terminate the tenancy by giving written notice at least 30 days prior to the intended Termination Date. The Landlord may terminate the tenancy by giving written notice as provided by law. Such notices may be given on any date. Rent shall be at a rate agreed to by the Landlord and the Tenant(s), or as allowed by law. All other terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

The Tenant(s) is hereby notified that the Owner or Landlord _________ is the Property Manager in charge of repairs or maintenance of the Property.

If the Tenant(s) has any complaint regarding any issue about the Property, _________ shall be contacted by one of the following methods:

Address: _________
Telephone: _________
Email: _________

The Tenant(s) shall pay the Landlord monthly Rent in the amount of $_________ (hereinafter, the "Rent") for each full month during this lease.

The full month's Rent is due and payable not later than the _________ day of each month lease period.

The Landlord shall not increase the Rent during the term of a lease. However, the Landlord may increase the Rent by giving at least a 30 days written notice to the Tenant(s). The Rent increase shall not be effective until 30 days from the next date Rent is due.

Please Take Notice that mail delays will not excuse the Tenant(s)'s obligation to pay the Rent in a timely manner.
Place of Payment:

The Tenant(s) shall remit all Rent payment amounts owed to the Landlord under this Lease Agreement to the following address:


The Landlord may change the person and place to which the Tenant(s) must remit the rental amounts due under this Lease Agreement.

Please Take Notice that you must place the Property address and the Tenant(s)'s name on all payments.
Method of Payment:

The Tenant(s) shall pay all Rent by selecting any of the following forms of payment (select one or more):
If the Landlord agrees that the Tenant(s) shall have the right to sub-let the Property or any part thereof, or if the Property is leased under any form of multiple or joint tenancies, the Tenant(s) shall be responsible for collecting the lease payment from the sublessee(s) or joint lessee and submitting it to the Landlord in a single and complete payment.

Moreover, the Tenant(s) shall be responsible for any lease payment not received by the Landlord by the due date stated in the present Lease Agreement. All partial payments made for an incomplete monthly period shall be prorated at the rate of 1/30th of the monthly lease payment per day.

Lastly, the Landlord shall have the option to accept or reject payments made by third parties, but such acceptance or rejection of payment shall not imply a future obligation to accept or reject payments submitted by third parties.

During the term of this Lease Agreement, the only individuals the Tenant(s) may permit to reside on the Property are the following:


Under Maryland Code section 8-211, the Landlord has a responsibility to repair conditions and defects which constitute, or if not promptly corrected will constitute, a fire hazard or a serious and substantial threat to the life, health, or safety of occupants, including, but not limited to:

(i) Lack of heat, light, electricity, or hot or cold running water, except where the tenant is responsible for the payment of the utilities and the lack thereof is the direct result of the tenant's failure to pay the charges.

(ii) Lack of adequate sewage disposal facilities.

(iii) Infestation of rodents in two or more dwelling units.

(iv) The existence of any structural defect which presents a serious and substantial threat to the physical safety of the occupants.

(v) The existence of any condition which presents a health or fire hazard to the dwelling unit.

If the Landlord refuses to make the repairs or correct the conditions, or if after a reasonable time the Landlord has failed to do so, the Tenant(s) may bring an action of rent escrow to pay rent into court because of the asserted defects or conditions, or the Tenant(s) may refuse to pay rent and raise the existence of the asserted defects or conditions as an affirmative defense to an action for distress for rent or to any complaint proceeding brought by the landlord to recover rent or the possession of the leased premises.
Additionally, during the term of this Lease Agreement and any renewal thereof, the Tenant(s) shall:

(1) Keep the Property clean and safe, use all electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning facilities and appliances in a reasonable manner.

(2) Repair any damage arising from the act or negligence of the Tenant(s), Occupants, or guests, agents, visitors, and invitees, at the expense of the Tenant(s).

(3) Surrender the Property in as good order and condition as when received, reasonable wear and tear excepted, upon the termination of this Lease Agreement.

The Tenant(s) shall be solely responsible for and shall pay expenses for all utilities and services used or consumed at the Property.

If the Tenant(s) fails to comply with any of the material provisions of this Lease Agreement or materially fails to comply with any duties imposed on the Tenant(s) by statute or state laws, the Landlord may give the opportunity to remedy the default by sending a written notice informing the Tenant(s) of such default.

Under Maryland Code section 8-402.1, if the Tenant(s) does not remedy the default within the indicated time, the Landlord may terminate the Tenant(s)'s right to use and to occupy the Property by providing the Tenant with thirty (30) written notice of such default.

If the Tenant(s) fails to pay rent when due, after delivery of written notice by the Landlord for payment of the rent or possession of the Property, the Landlord may terminate the Lease Agreement.

The rights provided by this paragraph are cumulative in nature and are in addition to any other rights afforded by law.

The Tenant(s) shall not keep or have on the Property any article or item of a dangerous, flammable, or explosive material on the Property that might unreasonably increase the danger of fire or explosion on the Property or that might be considered hazardous or extra hazardous by any responsible insurance company.

The Landlord and the Landlord's agents shall have the right at all reasonable times, and by all reasonable means during the term of this Lease Agreement and any renewal thereof, to enter the Property for the following purposes:

(i) Survey the Property's condition and take photographs to document the condition.

(ii) Make emergency repairs or improvements to the Property.

(iii) Supply agreed services.

(iv) Show the Property to prospective buyers or tenants.

(v) Exercise a contractual or statutory lien.

(vi) Leave a written notice.

Except in case of emergency, the Landlord will give the Tenant(s) reasonable notice of intent to enter. For these purposes, twenty-four (24) hour written notice will be deemed reasonable.

Notice required by statute will be given in accordance with the applicable statute. All other notices shall be deemed sufficient if made as follows:

- All notices to the Landlord shall be directed by personal delivery or first-class mail to the Landlord at the appropriate address set forth below, until the Tenant(s) is notified, in writing, to the contrary.

- All notices to the Tenant(s) shall be directed by personal delivery or first-class mail to the Tenant(s) at the Leased Property or any forwarding address provided in writing by the Tenant(s) to the Landlord.

- The addresses set forth below may be changed by the Parties by giving notice as set forth herein.


_________, _________, Maryland, _________

Such addresses may be changed from time to time by any party by providing notice as set forth above.

This Lease Agreement shall be governed, construed, and interpreted by the Laws of the State of Maryland.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and Tenant(s) have executed this Lease Agreement in the manner prescribed by law as of the Effective Date.

By: ___________________________________ Date: __________________

By: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Maryland Lease Agreement
Inspection Checklist
Address: _________, _________, Maryland, _________

The Tenant(s) has inspected the Property and states that the Property is in satisfactory condition, free of defects, except as noted below:
Bathrooms  __________________________________
Carpeting  __________________________________
Ceilings  __________________________________
Closets  __________________________________
Countertops  __________________________________
Dishwasher  __________________________________
Disposal  __________________________________
Doors  __________________________________
Fireplace  __________________________________
Lights  __________________________________
Locks  __________________________________
Refrigerator  __________________________________
Screens  __________________________________
Stove  __________________________________
Walls  __________________________________
Windows  __________________________________
Window coverings  __________________________________




By: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Acknowledged by Landlord:

By: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
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