Free Remote Work Agreement Template

Draft a Remote Work Agreement to make sure the worker fully understands the job terms and responsibilities outside the office.

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What Is a Remote Work Agreement?

A Remote Work Agreement is a type of employment contract used to set the terms and conditions of employment done remotely out of the workplace. 

A Remote Work Agreement is an employment contract that sets the terms for working remotely outside the usual office.

This agreement provides a shared understanding by detailing the specifics of remote work.

Besides usual details like job duties and schedules, a Remote Work Contract also includes:

  • Performance and communication
  • Equipment
  • Internet connection
  • Expenses
  • Data security

Company policy should also be clearly outlined in the Remote Work Contract, along with any other provision you see necessary.

Easily create this contract with our printable Remote Work Agreement template to ensure that you set the necessary terms with your remote workers. 

How To Use a Remote Work Agreement

As an employer, using a Remote Work Contract can be an advantage if you are willing to let your workers work from home or in other locations away from the office. 

It's important to set clear responsibilities and expectations for remote employees to prevent misuse of equipment or schedules.

To use your legal document correctly, ensure the document covers the following:

  • Work schedule: Clearly define the remote workdays and hours.
  • Expectations: You and your workers should determine your expectations for when and how tasks are to be completed.
  • Equipment: How any of the equipment you provided to the employee for remote work should be treated.
  • Workspace: Your remote work employees must have a safe and efficient working environment.
  • Legal and employment terms: General employment terms such as compensation, benefits, and remote-specific details are also included in these types of contracts.

Also, make sure to follow federal laws like the FLSA and state-specific regulations to avoid legal problems with employment contracts.

Remote Work Agreement Sample

Before beginning the process of writing your contract, it’s important to review Remote Work Agreement examples.

Study our sample below to better understand how to structure your document:

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How To Write a Remote Work Agreement

Writing a Remote Work Agreement is a simple process that clarifies the terms of remote employment for everyone.

Follow the steps below to help you create an effective agreement:

  1. Add date and contact details: Begin with the effective date of the agreement and the names of the parties involved, i.e., you and your employee.
  2. Provide remote authorization: State the company's intention to allow the employee to work remotely and acknowledge their capability to perform their duties effectively in this setting.
  3. Clarify the arrangement: Specify the location from which the employee will work and emphasize adherence to the company's remote work policies.
  4. Specify their schedule: Define the work hours and the process for any schedule modifications, ensuring availability for meetings and collaboration.
  5. Set performance evaluations: Describe how to assess the employee's job performance.
  6. Detail the equipment: Detail the worker's responsibility for maintaining necessary equipment and internet connectivity, with the possibility of the company providing additional resources.
  7. Include security terms: Highlight the importance of adhering to the company's data security policies to protect sensitive information.
  8. Mention any expenses: Clarify that the employee is responsible for any expenses incurred during remote work unless otherwise agreed.
  9. Include termination terms: Keep the company’s option to end or change the remote work setup if needed.
  10. Ensure there is an understanding: Conclude by affirming that this agreement represents the full understanding between the company and the employee regarding remote work.

If the worker already was working in the office and now is changing to a remote role, ensure that this agreement aligns with the existing terms of the original agreement, except where explicitly stated otherwise.

Once the legal contract has been created and the terms agreed, sign it with the other party to put it into effect. 

Make the entire writing process easier by downloading our Remote Work Contract template to create your document in a few easy steps. 

Other Employment Forms

It’s important to use the correct legal forms when running a company or working for an employer. 

These related employment forms can help you in a similar situation:

FAQs About Remote Work Agreements

If you’re still a bit confused about the entire remote work process, we have answered some of the most common questions below. 

Review our answers to ensure that you understand all the most critical information regarding creating agreements for Remote Work.

What Is the Difference Between a Remote Work and a Teleworking Agreement?

The difference between a Remote Work Agreement and a teleworking contract primarily lies in location flexibility. A Remote Work Agreement typically offers more flexibility, allowing work from any location, such as their home, a café, or a co-working space. 

On the other hand, a Teleworking Agreement is often more specific and may refer to working from home or a location close to home. It usually includes more structured guidelines regarding work hours, communication, and sometimes the technology used.

Is It Possible To Negotiate a Remote Work Agreement?

Yes, it is possible to negotiate a Remote Work Agreement. Employees can discuss and agree upon various aspects with their employer, such as work hours, communication methods, performance metrics, and equipment provision. 

The negotiation process allows for tailoring the agreement to suit both the worker's needs and the company's requirements, ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement.

How Do I Get a Remote Work Agreement?

To get a Remote Work Contract, you can easily download our template and fill it out with all the necessary information. 

Once you do that, you can ensure you have filled it out correctly by consulting with the HR department to ensure compliance with employment laws. Present the draft to the employee for review and negotiation.

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