Free Rhode Island Power of Attorney (POA) Form

Design and create a comprehensive Rhode Island Power of Attorney (POA) tailored to your needs and state’s requirements with the help of step-by-step guidance and expert customizable forms.

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Types of Power of Attorney in Rhode Island

Before starting a Rhode Island Power of Attorney, it is critical to know what type of POA to create. There are many different varieties of these legal instruments, and each grants different kinds of powers from a Principal to an Agent or Attorney-in-Fact.

The most common kinds of POA available in RI include the following examples:

Type of POA Uses Usable After Incapacity?
Durable A Durable POA allows an Agent to manage your estate for you at all times, even if you fall unconscious or become medically incapacitated. Yes
General General POAs give Agents control over a wide range of your financial responsibilities. This expires, however, if you fall unconscious or are incapacitated. No
Limited Limited POAs grant an Agent responsibility over specific, normally one-off, tasks. These forms are usually time limited, only giving your representative authority for a short period of time. Yes (if durable)
Medical Medical POAs allow you to delegate important healthcare decisions to your Agent. This can then be used when urgent choices regarding treatment need to be made when you’re unconscious. Yes
Real Estate Real Estate POAs let your Agent manage tasks related to the buying and selling of property on your behalf. Yes (if durable)
Vehicle (DMV) Using a Vehicle POA allows an Agent to buy and sell vehicles for you and to manage other ownership tasks such as registering titles with the DMV and updating official documentation. Yes (if durable)
Springing A Springing POA allows an Agent to act for you when certain conditions or criteria occur. For example: the Power of Attorney may only become active if you are unconscious or are unavailable for a period of time. Yes (if durable)
Minor (Child) With a Minor POA, you can delegate your parental rights over a child to your Agent temporarily. This might be necessary if you are seriously ill, serving in the military or have to travel for work purposes. Yes (if durable)
Tax With a Tax POA, your Agent may represent you and sign documents on your behalf at the local Rhode Island tax office. Yes (if durable)

How to Get a Power of Attorney in Rhode Island

It’s relatively easy to create a Power of Attorney in RI. This process can be fully handled online using our comprehensive legal document maker.

When completing the Rhode Island POA with our tools, you’ll be guided expertly through each step of the process, so you comply with all the necessary laws in Rhode Island. You’ll then be able to print off and sign the completed document and put it into action.

Another option for getting an RI Power of Attorney prepared by a local legal office or lawyer. This, however, can take longer and usually turns out more expensive.

Lastly, it is also possible to find printed POA forms you can fill in from Rhode Island government offices such as the DMV. These just need to be filled in correctly and signed.

Rhode Island Power of Attorney Requirements

There are a few important things you need to know before signing a Rhode Island POA. Firstly, you must make sure all the parties involved are legally fit to sign contracts.

To be considered competent to sign a contract, parties must:

  • Be over 18 years of age.
  • Show they are mentally competent.
  • Demonstrably understand the powers being granted.

If you choose a financial institution as an Agent, they must have trust powers and a registered office in Rhode Island.

Also, there are set rules in place in RI which police how a completed Power of Attorney must be signed and put into action. Rhode Island law dictates in this case that:

  1. The Principal and Agent must both sign the document.
  2. The signing must be overseen by a notary public, who will also sign.
  3. If the Agent(s) will manage real estate for the principal, the form must be registered with the local clerk of the county where the property is situated within 30 days of signing.
  4. A notary public must also be present at the signing and must sign the document too.

Read more about RI Power of Attorneys in the Rhode Island statutes.

Rhode Island Power of Attorney Sample

Looking over a completed Rhode Island POA sample is a good place to start when you’re planning to create your own document. Use our template example below to understand the information that goes into this form and to learn more about what your document can do.

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Rhode Island POA Form

FAQs About Rhode Island Power of Attorney Forms

It is important to have a good understanding of what RI Power of Attorney forms can do before filling in your own. Read through our FAQs below to get a better idea of the key information needed as well as any other special considerations.

Where Can I Get a Power of Attorney in Rhode Island?

It is possible to create your own RI Power of Attorney easily online with our easy contract maker. Alternatively, you can find templates for certain types of POA at your local DMV or can pay to have a legal expert draft and complete your document.

Who Should Be Your Rhode Island POA Agent?

When choosing the right Agent for your Rhode Island POA, it is essential to pick a person (or people) that you trust implicitly.

By granting Power of Attorney to someone, you allow them to hold a large amount of responsibility for your financial or even bodily wellbeing. An Agent therefore must be someone you know that will take the actions that serve these interests best.

How Long Does a Rhode Island Power of Attorney Last for?

Depending on the type of POA you create, a Rhode Island Power of Attorney can potentially last until your death.

If you create a Durable Power of Attorney in Rhode Island, unless you specify otherwise, your Agent will retain their powers until they are revoked or you pass away. This is of course, unless your POA document specifies a set date that the powers will lapse.

With a RI General Power of Attorney, however, your Agent will not be able to act for you after you become incapacitated for any reason due to injury, disability or advanced old age. These agreements end instantly if the Principal is no longer mentally sound, falls unconscious, or dies.

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Rhode Island POA Form

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Preview of your Rhode Island Power of Attorney

This is an important legal document which is authorized by the general laws of this state. The powers granted by this document are broad and sweeping. They are defined in §§ 18-16-1 to 18-16-12, both inclusive, of the general laws in chapter 18-16 entitled "Rhode Island Short Form Power of Attorney Act".

The use of the short form power of attorney is strictly voluntary, and chapter 18-16 specifically authorizes the use of any other or different form of power of attorney upon mutual agreement of the parties concerned.

Known All Men by These Presents, which are intended to constitute a GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY pursuant to the Rhode Island Short Form Power of Attorney Act:

If you have questions about the power of attorney or the authority you are granting to your agent, you should seek legal advice before signing this form.

That I, _________, _________, telephone number _________, and email address _________, do hereby appoint as my agent:

Name of Agent: _________
Agent's Address: _________
Agent's Telephone Number: _________
Agent's Email Address: _________
I grant my agent and any successor agent general authority to act in my name, place, and stead in any way which I myself could do, if I were personally present, with respect to the following matters as each of them is defined in the Rhode Island Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney Act to the extent that I am permitted by law to act through an agent:


To strike out any subdivision, the principal must draw a line through the text of that subdivision AND write his initials in the line opposite.

________ - (A) real estate transactions

________ - (B) chattel and goods transactions

________ - (C) bond, share and commodity transactions

________ - (D) banking transactions

________ - (E) business operating transactions

________ - (F) insurance transactions

________ - (G) claims and litigations

________ - (H) benefits from military service

________ - (I) records, reports and statements

________ - (J) All other matters: ______________________________________
My Agent is entitled to reasonable compensation for services rendered as my Agent.
My Agent will be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in acting under this Power of Attorney.
This power of attorney shall be effective immediately and will continue to be effective until my death, even if I became incapacitated, except as may be provided otherwise by an applicable state statute.
This Power of Attorney may be revoked or terminated by me at any time by providing written notice to my Agent.

Dated ____________________, _____, at _________, Rhode Island.


Address: _________
Telephone Number: _________
Email Address: _________



State of Rhode Island
_________ County

This document was acknowledged before me on _______________.

by ___________________________________

(Seal, if any)

Signature of Notary: __________________________________

My commission expires: _______________________________
Agent's Duties

When you accept the authority granted under this power of attorney, a special legal relationship is created between you and the principal. This relationship imposes upon you legal duties that continue until you resign or the power of attorney is terminated or revoked. You must:

(1) Do what you know the principal reasonably expects you to do with the principal's property or, if you do not know the principal's expectations, act in the principal's best interest;

(2) Act in good faith;

(3) Do nothing beyond the authority granted in this power of attorney; and

(4) Disclose your identity as an agent whenever you act for the principal by writing or printing the name of the principal and signing your own name as "agent" in the following manner:

(Principal's Name) by (Your Signature) as Agent

Unless the Special Instructions in this power of attorney state otherwise, you must also:

(1) Act loyally for the principal's benefit;

(2) Avoid conflicts that would impair your ability to act in the principal's best interest;

(3) Act with care, competence, and diligence;

(4) Keep a record of all receipts, disbursements, and transactions made on behalf of the principal;

(5) Cooperate with any person that has authority to make health-care decisions for the principal to do what you know the principal reasonably expects or, if you do not know the principal's expectations, to act in the principal's best interest; and

(6) Attempt to preserve the principal's estate plan if you know the plan and preserving the plan is consistent with the principal's best interest.
Termination of Agent's Authority
You must stop acting on behalf of the principal if you learn of any event that terminates this power of attorney or your authority under this power of attorney. Events that terminate a power of attorney or your authority to act under a power of attorney include:

(1) Death of the principal;

(2) The principal's revocation of the power of attorney or your authority;

(3) The occurrence of a termination event stated in the power of attorney;

(4) The purpose of the power of attorney is fully accomplished; or

(5) If you are married to the principal, legal action is filed with a court to end your marriage, or for your legal separation, unless the Special Instructions in this power of attorney state that such an action will not terminate your authority.
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Save time and money on legal document creation offers several models of legal documents for different necessities. By responding to a set of questions through our online document editor you can easily complete and obtain your customized legal document. Please be advised: we are not a law firm and, therefore, cannot provide any official legal advice. If further legal assistance is required, we recommend that you contact an attorney or a law firm specializing in the matter. Our private services are provided for a fee, that in no event includes lawyer, attorney, notary public or registrar fees. The user takes sole responsibility for the use of the legal documents provided. By paying and using our private services you confirm that you acknowledge the above statements.

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