Legal Documents and Forms

We have a broad library of legal documents and forms for many different needs. Choose from our selection of legal document templates now to handle business issues, financial affairs, and much more.


Running a business requires the right paperwork. Quickly and easily prepare legal documents online for important enterprise needs with our contract generator.

Formally establish your coproration or business withing your state with these documents.

Draft a brand ambassador service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Outline a plan for your business idea and persuade others to achieve your goals.

Establish the terms and condition for transferring ownership of a business entity safely.

Draft a catering service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Warn a business or individual to end any abusive or illegal behavior.

Draft a cleaning service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Create an agreement that protects your vital business or personal information from being leaked.

Lay out the scope, key terms, and conditions of a construction project.

Draft a consulting service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Formally terminate a business agreement outlining the required details.

Easily define clear guidelines for effectively managing your business operations.

Draft a DJ service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Write your correspondence efficiently by using this template.

Establish a fair and secure working relationship by establishing clear expectations.

Draft a HVAC service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Protect and define terms such as obligations and deadlines in a client-contractor relationship.

Create an agreement with a social media influencer to promote your products or services.

Draft an interior design service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Draft a landscape service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Establish the conditions and your intentions to enter into a future binding agreement with another party

Outline key elements of your limited liability company, such as ownership and members' financial and functional duties.

Establish a legal claim for labor and/or supplies in case of outstanding payments.

Outline the structure and procedures with the other member or members of your company

Draft a nanny service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Protect company business interests by preventing that employees, vendors, and contractors work for competitors.

Prevent your data from being disclosed to third parties without your consent.

Protect your new business venture and define how it will be managed.

Enter the terms and details that outline the legal end of your partnership.

Ensure a third party does not use your images in an unauthorized manner or without providing compensation.

Draft a photography service contract to outline the terms agreed.

Inform your website's users of how their data will be gathered and for what reason.

Set the terms and conditions when buying or selling goods for a secure transaction

Draft a contract to outline the terms of service agreed between two parties.

Outline key elements of your single member limited liability company, such as financial and functional duties.

Set the terms and conditions for succesful collaboration with your subcontractor and avoid legal disputes.

Set the rules and regulations for your website's users to follow and protect your rights.

Avoid future disputes with your business partner by determining how your profits and responsibilities will be shared


Whether you’re working for yourself or a company legal documents are a necessity. Create vital workplace forms and contracts in minutes now with our legal document maker.

Cover flexibly your organizational needs with this type of legal employement contract.

Recommend someone that you are familiar with and help them get accepted into an educational institution.

Keep employees informed of their legal rights and obligations.

Build a legally compliant contract to employ new members in your organization.

Send a formal written offer to a job candidate to begin the hiring process.

Confirm your employee's job status and salary for an inquiry by a third party.

Notify your employer legally that you intend to leave your job with immediate effect.

Get applicant details in standardized format and improve the recruitment process in your organization.

Request permission to be away from work for a certain period of time.

Provide feedback to third parties about a person's work ethic, performance, and any other relevant information.

Notify employees and contractors of the Rule on Non-Compete Agreements by the Federal Trade Commission.

Provide feedback to third parties about a person, including a character reference to endorse their morals and values.

Get set for your maternity journey by informing your employer and tapping into essential assistance and benefits.

Recommend someone that you are familiar with and help them find a job.

Provide references accurately and effectively and set yourself apart as an applicant.

Create the terms and conditions that allow your employees to work remotely while protecting your interests.

Notify your employer legally that you intend to leave your job.

Communicate your intention to retire to your employer with a formal written statement.

Assist a potential student in applying for a scholarship by providing a recommendation.

Give the school principal, as well as students and parents, the correct and formal notice of your departure.

Create a legal contract to employ new members temporarily in your organization.

Allow employees to formally ask for scheduled absences from work and streamline your HR process.

Notify your employer legally that you intend to leave your job in two weeks.


Legal compliance is crucial in the world of finance. Help important financial transactions go ahead smoothly by completing a personalized legal form or contract for your state.

Legally protect yourself and your customers when collecting payments from bank accounts.

Detail the terms and conditions to sell company assets without legal risk.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of ATV's and record the agreed terms.

Craft a document that provides proof of the sale of your bicycle confirming the new owner.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of property and record the agreed terms.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of boats and record the agreed terms.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of property in California and record the agreed terms.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of vehicles and record the agreed terms.

Set the terms and conditions when buying or selling goods for a secure transaction

Protect yourself and your customers when taking credit card payments by using a legal authorization form.

Remind someone of their legal obligations and warn them of the legal consequences of not taking action.

Authorize a third party to legally send money to your bank account.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of dirt bikes and record the agreed terms.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of firearms and record the agreed terms.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of property in Florida and record the agreed terms.

Simplify your mortgage application process by proving money gifted to you by a relative is not a loan.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of horses and record the agreed terms.

Easily create a legally compliant invoice to receive payments on time.

Make an informal loan agreement between a lender and a borrower.

Enhance collaboration with a joint venture that benefits all parties and fine-tunes your potential.

Avoid disputes by creating an agreement that includes all key elements.

State your intention to purchase clearly and set a solid foundation to buy products, services, or assets.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of livestock and record the agreed terms.

Lend funds safely by establishing the right terms and conditions for the loan.

Outline the important details and terms of a future binding agreement with another party.

Transfer the ownership of your mobile home without any hassle with a written confirmation of the transaction.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of motorcycles and record the agreed terms.

Negotiate your debt and get a clean credit report.

Outline the terms and conditions under which a loan will be repaid.

Create a loan agreement that you can use to lend money safely to another individual.

Issue a legally binding note payable that lists the terms of debt.

Draft a legally binding contract if you want to sell or buy a high-value item.

Set the terms and conditions of a future real estate transaction with another party.

Steer clear of conflict when transferring property of a recreational vehicle.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of property in Texas and record the agreed terms.

Avoid disputes when transferring ownership of trailers and record the agreed terms.

Personal and Family

Create and prepare essential legal documents to properly protect your estate and take care of your family in case anything happens to you.

State your end-of-life medical treatment preferences and authorize an agent if you become incapacitated.

Build a legally binding document that you can use for multiple purposes in business, personal, and legal issues.

Get authorization from a third party to check their criminal or credit record.

Settle compensation for a car accident outside of court and avoid legal claims.

Prove the existence of a trust and assign trustees without disclosing sensitive information.

Provide positive examples of a loved one's character to help them during a trial or legal dispute.

Authorize a third party to temporarily make healthcare decisions for your child.

Ensure someone you trust can make decisions safely for your child while you're away.

Get a written authorization for a child to travel without a parent or guardian.

Keep your estate plan up to date by revising, adding, or removing provisions in your Will.

Draft a contract to establish the living terms with your partner and procedures in case of separation.

Define the terms of a divorce, such as property division and child support, and declare it legally dissolved.

List treatments you want to be withheld if you don’t want life-saving intervention.

Authorize an agent to run your private affairs until your death, even if you become incapacitated.

Detail your wishes regarding family and property once you are no longer there.

Determine how your possessions will be managed and who will receive them after your passing.

Provide specific instructions for your end-of-life medical care when you can no longer communicate.

Ensure your images are only used and published with your knowledge and consent.

Give an agent the authority to make medical decisions for you if you are incapacitated.

Set the terms of custody, visitation, responsibilities, and guidelines post-separation for each parent.

Securely let others use your photographs for commercial or personal purposes.

Authorize an agent to run your private affairs such as property, finances, or medical care.

Terminate legal authority granted to an agent through a Power of Attorney if circumstances change.

After getting married, determine how assets are divided between you and your spouse in the event of a divorce.

Specify in a contract what each person's property rights will be after a marriage.

Verify your address to any agency or employer by creating a written statement with step-by-step instructions.

Protect yourself from future legal claims in case of an accident, damages, or loss of money.

Allocate assets, bills, debts, child support, and other responsibilities shared with your spouse during separation.

Get authorization from an individual to use their voice or image in your or someone else's media.

Turn over custody of your child for a specific period of time.

Real Estate

The right legal instruments make all the difference in real estate. Create effective legal documents for managing rental properties fast now with our step-by-step contract generator.

Create an agreement to rent your property for retail, office, or industrial use.

Establish a personalized payment arrangement and define the legal conditions for selling property using a customized agreement.

Draft a document notifying a tenant that they must leave a rental property.

Dictate the legal terms and conditions to sell real estate and receive payments straight from the buyer.

Help someone that you are familiar with find a living space and recommend them to a landlord.

Advise a tenant that they have missed a rental payment with a formal warning.

Advise your tenant of any lead-based paint on your rental property if it was built before 1978.

Modify the terms and conditions of a lease agreement accurately and safely.

Make changes to your lease agreement and ensure your amendment is legally compliant and correct.

Use this documento to extend the lease agreement for a period of time

Extend an existing Lease Agreement for another specified period to continue a tenancy.

Provide the necessary notice to your landlord or tenant to end your lease agreement.

Write a letter to formally notify your landlord of your choice to vacate your rental property.

Create a contract to rent real estate that renews automatically on a monthly basis.

Ensure a smooth move-in or move-out process and prevent any property damage disputes.

Provide enough notice to your tenant that you will not be renewing your lease agreement.

Notify the other party when a real estate property needs to be vacated.

Establish clear roles and responsibilities to manage your property effectively and dispute free.

Use this legal tool to transfer property when there is deep mutual trust amongst parties.

Provide your tenant with sufficient notice about a change in their rental fee.

Keep accurate control of rent payments and avoid disputes with your landlord or tenant.

Begin a lease agreement that ends with an option or obligation to purchase the property.

Rent your property risk-free by choosing the correct tenant based on their application.

Confirm all the information provided by a prospective tenant on their application is accurate.

Create a legally safe contract to rent real estate for fixed periods of time.

Define the terms and conditions under which you are going to share a living unit with another person.

Establish duties and obligations of tenant and subtenant when renting out a room, with landlords consent.

Draft the legal terms to subrent a property to a new tenant.

Transfer real estate with a limited warranty and protect yourself against future legal claims.

Transfer ownership of real estate property safely.