Free Ohio Eviction Notice Form

An Ohio eviction notice form is the first step to vacating a tenant from your property. Create your own printable form now with expert templates, personalization tools, and step-by-step instructions.

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Ohio Eviction Notice Types

There are many different types of eviction notices used in Ohio. Each provides a different reason and duration of notice for the removal of the tenant. 

In Ohio state law, it is essential to provide the tenant with a legally valid reason to evict and the minimum amount of notice for the corresponding cause. This must be done before filing a complaint in court. 

Failure to complete this legal document correctly or provide the right kind of notice could delay or even halt the eviction process. To avoid this, use one of the following notice types below that best matches your reasons for the eviction. 

3-Day Notice to Quit (Non-Payment)

If the tenant does not pay rent on time the landlord may issue them with a 3-Day Notice to Quit. This allows the resident to either pay the rent that is owed or to vacate the premises within 72 hours from the notice.

3-Day Notice to Quit (Non-Compliant)

A non-compliance Notice to Quit can be used for any other violations of the lease which are not remedied with a pay rent or quit letter. In this case, the tenant will have 3-days to fix the issue recorded on the eviction notice or to leave the property.

30-Day Notice to Quit (Health or Safety Violation)

In Ohio, landlords may give tenants a 30-Day Notice to Quit if they violate any codes related to health or safety. This allows the resident to correct the problem within 1 month or to leave the property without facing legal action. 

30-Day Notice to Quit (Month-to-Month Tenancy)

If a landlord wishes to end an ongoing month-to-month tenancy they can do so with a 30-Day Notice to Quit. This is an unconditional notification that informs the tenant that the lease is to be terminated and that they should leave by the end of the notice period.

Ohio Eviction Notice Sample

When you prepare your own Ohio eviction notice, it can be hard to have a clear idea of what the final document will look like. If you need a little extra guidance on how your legal document will appear, simply review our eviction notice sample below.

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Ohio Eviction Notice Form

Ohio Eviction Laws

When evicting a tenant, it is essential that all Ohio eviction laws are followed correctly. This means that landlords must provide the right amount of notice and may only evict tenants for the following reasons:

  • Nonpayment of rent
  • Violations of the lease agreement
  • Violations of health or safety codes
  • Terminating a periodic (month-to-month) tenancy

There are no special grace periods provided in Ohio law. However, any rental or violation grace periods that are written in the original lease agreement must be respected or the eviction notice won’t be considered valid.

Furthermore, the Ohio Notice to Quit itself must contain a few pieces of essential information in order to conform to the laws in the state. This includes the following data:

  • The names and addresses of both the landlord and the tenant.
  • The date of the notice.
  • The reason for the eviction.
  • The amount of notice provided before the tenant has to vacate.
  • The signature of the landlord.

Lastly, the method of delivery you choose for your notice matters. In Ohio, the Notice to Quit will only be considered legally served if it is given to the tenant in the following ways: 

  • It is delivered to the tenant by the landlord.
  • It is sent by registered mail.
  • It is posted in a conspicuous place on the property (a second copy should also be sent to the tenant’s last known address).

Ohio Eviction Process

The eviction process in Ohio requires landlords to follow a few important steps. At the very least they must provide notice of their intention to evict and, depending on how compliant the tenant is, may possibly have to pursue the issue with a Forcible Entry and Detainer case through the courts. 

If you are evicting a tenant in the state of Ohio, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Give Notice to the Tenant: You should provide the tenant with the correct Notice to Quit for the circumstances and wait for the notice to expire.
  2. File a Complaint with The Courts: If the tenant does not respond to the notice or vacate the property within the notice period, the landlord can file a complaint with a local court.
  3. File Documentation with the Court: If the tenant doesn’t provide a Defendant’s Answer to the original complaint within 7 days, the landlord can proceed with the Forcible Entry and Detainer case. They should submit all documentation, including the eviction notice and any evidence of lease violations to the court.
  4. Attend the Court Hearing: The landlord and the tenant will need to attend the court hearing in person to argue their cases. If the judge finds in favor of the landlord, they can obtain a Writ of Possession from the Court’s Sheriff or Baliff.
  5. Complete the Eviction: Once the Writ of Possession has been granted, the tenant must leave the property within a set amount of time. If they don’t the landlord may contact a local sheriff to oversee and enforce the final eviction.

Ohio Eviction Notice FAQs

It’s essential to go into an eviction process with a clear understanding of what is required of you. Find out more about how to use an Ohio eviction notice effectively in our FAQs below.

How to Evict Someone in Ohio?

The first step of an eviction process is to issue your tenant with an Ohio eviction notice. This provides the resident with a period of time to comply or quit the property. This may only be done for the following legal reasons:

  • Nonpayment of rent
  • Lease violations
  • Health or safety violations
  • To end a periodic (or monthly) tenancy

If the tenant complies with the notices and leaves, the eviction process can end there. On the other hand, assuming the tenant refuses to leave, you will have to pursue the matter through the courts.  

How to Evict a Tenant in OH with No Lease?

If there is no written lease an Ohio landlord must still issue an eviction notice. In the case of an agreement that is not enforced by a written contract, the landlord must provide the tenant with at least a full rental term’s notice.

For example, with month-to-month rental contracts, the landlord or the tenant can terminate the agreement at any time, for any reason as long as 30 days’ notice is given in advance. To evict a tenant in this situation, a 30-Day Notice to Quit must be served at the start of the final rental term.

How Long Does It Take to Evict a Tenant in Ohio?

The process of evicting a tenant in Ohio depends on whether the occupant complies or not with an eviction notice. If they obey the Notice to Quit and leave the process can be completed in between 3-30 days

However, if they don’t comply it will be necessary to pursue the matter through the courts which can cause the process to take longer. This could take up to 2-3 months in total.

It is, of course, important to make sure the notice is correctly completed and served. Failure to deliver the notice in accordance with Ohio’s laws can lead to significant delays in the eviction process.

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Ohio Eviction Notice Form

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Preview of your Ohio Eviction Notice

Ohio Revised Code § 1923.04

_________, Ohio _________
_________, _________, Ohio _________
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the lease and/or rental agreement dated _________ you are justly indebted to the owner or landlord of the herein described premises and that notice is hereby given that there is now due, unpaid and delinquent rent in the total sum of $_________, representing rent due for the period from _________ to _________.

WITHIN THREE (3) days after service on you of this notice, you are hereby required to pay the amount of the above-stated rent in full OR vacate the subject premises and relinquish possession to the owner or landlord _________ or his/her authorized agent. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that if you do not pay the rent in full OR vacate the premises WITHIN THREE (3) days as required by this notice, the undersigned does hereby elect to declare the forfeiture of your lease deposit and/or rental agreement. In addition, the owner or landlord will institute a Forcible Entry and Detainer lawsuit against you to recover rent, damages and possession of said premises.

Dated: _________

By: ______________________________

_________, _________ _________
I, the undersigned, being at least 18 years of age, certify and declare under penalty of perjury that on the _____ day of _____________, 20___ I served the above notice to the tenant(s) personally to the person in possession of the property, or in the manner(s) indicated below:

__ On _____________, after attempting personal service, by delivering it on the premises to a member of suitable age of his/her family or household or an employee of suitable age and discretion at the residence/business of the tenant(s), with a request that it be delivered to the person in possession of said premises, AND deposited a true copy in the U.S. Mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed to the tenant(s) at his/her place of residence.

__ On _____________, after attempting service in both manners indicated previously, I served this notice by posting it in a visible place at the residence of the tenant(s), AND I deposited a true copy through Certified U.S. Mail, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, addressed to the tenant(s) or the person(s) in possession of the property at his/her/their place of residence.

Executed on ____________________
Served by ______________________
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