Free Child Travel Consent Form

If your child needs to take a trip without parental supervision, download our Child Travel Consent Form template. Create your form with the help of our template.

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Last Update July 15th, 2024

Also Known As

Minor Travel Permission

Child Travel Authorization

Minor Travel Consent Form


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Child Travel Consent Form

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Declaration for International Travel with One Legal Guardian
To whom it may concern,

I, _________, with a permanent address at _________, declare to be the lawful parent/guardian of:
   1. The minor, _________, born on _________ at the following place: _________.
       _______________________ (passport nationality) passport numbered _______________________, issued by _______________________ on the following date: _______________________.
My child(ren), named above, have my authorization to travel to:
   - _________.

   This authorization shall remain in effect from _________ to _____. During that period, the child(ren) will be staying at _______.

My child(ren) will be traveling with the herein subscribing parent or guardian.
I am the sole custodial parent of the child and do not legally require the consent of any other person to travel with the child.
I am carrying an _______________________ (passport nationality) passport numbered , issued by _______________________ on the following date: ___________________.
If there are any questions regarding this document, I may be reached at:



Signed on this ________ day of ______________, .

Witness Signature

Witness Name

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